Your care is our concern. We ensure you are well informed and well supported.


O&M has prided itself on providing high quality care for all patients. During this difficult time continuation of that care is essential and will help to reduce the burden on the public health system.

Dr Grave will remain available to all via telephone or video consults.

Australian and New Zealand Association of Oral Maxillofacial (ANZAOMS) Guidelines state that patients should continue to be provided with time sensitive or urgent treatment. Generally, malignant or aggressive benign pathology, serious acute infection, trauma or intractable pain such as tooth-ache.

The ANZAOMS guidelines also provide excellent recommendations to ensure safety of staff and patients.

Please contact 08 8267 1744 or 0417 860 964.



General Patient Information

Preparing for your appointment

Please bring the following information to your consultation with Dr Grave:

  • Medical and dental history, including allergies, blood disorders etc
  • List of all medications you are currently taking or have been taking recently
  • Medicare number and health insurance details


Preparing for your procedure

At your consultation Dr Grave will discuss an outline of the steps you need to consider in relation to your surgery. You will be provided with notes about what you need to do to prepare, what to expect on the day, and post operative care.


Post-operative care

Following your procedure, you may experience varying levels of discomfort, pain and swelling. Keep in mind that every person recovers at a different pace and healing takes time. You will be given a detailed list of what to expect including how to manage your pain, swelling or bruising and instruction on maintaining your your oral hygiene and wound care. We will support your post operative recovery through follow up appointments. Should you be concerned at any time, please call Dr Grave directly on 0417 860 964.